Seemo Partner

Join us ont he journey toward a cleaner, greener, plastic-free future as a Seemo Partner

Stand out from the competition, boost customer satisfaction, and attract new clients with Seemo’s innovative sprinkler fluid dispensers. 

+ 0

Sparet plastflasker

om måneden i Danmark

0 %

Mindre spild af væske

Betal kun for det du bruger

+ 0

Danskere bruger os

som bidrager til bedre klima

0 %

Af plastaffald i verden

bliver ikke genbrugt i dag

The environmental impact is significantly reduced

100% self-service dispensers

Our 100% self-service dispensers not only optimize the purchasing experience but also help reduce environmental impact, enhancing the overall experience and bolstering your green profile. Our dispenser allows customers to refill windshield washer fluid quickly and easily without assistance from store staff, providing a more flexible and convenient experience.

This also saves valuable time and resources in your store, as there is no need to handle heavy containers. Additionally, the dispensers strengthen your brand by supporting a sustainable future. 

Our journey towards a sustainable future!

Seemo's Solution offers an innovative dispenser system that eliminates the need for plastic bottles for sprinkler fluid. This solution reduces both waste and CO2 emissions from the production and disposal of plastic. Additionally, the dispensers decrease the weight and volume of transport, further lowering CO2 emissions. also provides tools to document and report the environmental benefits of plastic-free solutions. By implementing these dispensers, companies can enhance their environmental profile, attract eco-conscious customers, and strengthen brand loyalty. 


Forsynet af solen

Automaten kan leveres fuldt selvforsynende via solceller og batteripakke. Det gør den også nem at installere – det tager 15 minutter. 


Eliminere behovet for engangplastik

Når sprinklervæske købes i automaten er der ingen unødvendig ressource spild. Det er godt for miljøet og gør det lettere for kunderne. 


Kapacitet på 1000 liter

Dette svare til 285 dunke, som ikke skal produceres, brændes eller håndteres af personalet. 


100% selvbetjent

Automaten accepterer alle gængse kort og mobilbetalingsløsninger, hvilket gør det nemt for kunderne at fylde sprinklervæske på bilen.


Ingen bekymringer ved drift

Seemo står for al drift og vedligeholdelse af automaterne, herunder opfyldning, service og support – det skal være nemt for vores partnere at vælge bæredygtige løsninger.

The environmental impact is significantly reduced

Various Options to Become a Seemo Partner

We have created a partnership model that fits your needs.
We have designed three partnership models to ensure that every partner has the opportunity to implement our eco-friendly solution. Whether you’re looking to enhance your environmental impact or seeking a new revenue stream, our models are tailored to fit your situation and strategy.

Total ProfitShare
Add a new revenue stream with no operational concerns and no investment required.

Refill ProfitShare
Maximize your investment with increased earnings—Seemo handles the rest.

Green Hero
For businesses that simply want to make a positive environmental impact!

Flexible Self-Service Solution

Our dispensers provide a self-service option where customers can complete the entire process independently, without assistance from your staff. This enhances effeciency and boosts customer satisfaction.

An Added Service for Your Customers

With a Seemo dispenser at your location, you can offer customers an additional service that enhances customer loyalty and differentiates you from competitors. This creates added value for both your business and your customers. 

Synergies and Upselling

When customers visit the dispensers, it drives increased traffic to your locations, attracting more customers and boosting sales for your business. Additionally, Seemo invests heavily in marketing to benefit both parties. 

No Workload for you

We simplify the choice of sustainable solutions by handling all operations, refilling maintanence and support of the dispensers, regardless of partnership model. This ensures a seamless experience for you as a partner. 

The Sustainable Choice Reduces Emissions

By eliminating single-use plastics from the supply chain and optimizing distribution, we achieve significant reductions in emissions. This benefits the environment and helps you meet your ESG goals. 

Robust and High-Quality for Fewer Worries

We set high standards for our solutions and organization, resulting in less work and fewer concerns for you as a partner. Our reliable and durable dispensers make the collaboration straightforward and worry-free. 

Challenges in reducing

Challanges with Plastic and Scope 3 Emissions

Companies face significant challenges in reducing scope 3 emissions from plastic packaging, such as plastic containers for sprinkler fluid. Plastic contributes to CO2 emissions through its production, transportation, and disposal. 

Additionally, plastic waste poses a major environmental threat, as it can take hundreds of years to decompose and harms wildlife and ecosystems. Many businesses lack sustainable alternatives, which can damage their reputation and business if they continue using plastic.

Bliv partner

Ready to do something great for your business and the environment?

Lets have a talk!

Contact Mike directly using the details below or fill out our contact form. Either way, we’ll get back to you within 24 hours!

Mike Juul Olsen

CEO & Co-founder